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Hey, I am Julian Dropmann. I am a german software developer, nerd, business informatics graduate with interests in finance, politics and nutrition.

About Me

A software developer who loves to write clean code solving real world problems

My name is Julian Dropmann and I am a german software developer. I work for a small company and I believe in always using the best tool for the job and became the jack-of-all-trades type of programmer. I have definitively reached the expert level mastering the Android Framework. Aside from software engineering my academic interests are in the fields of finance, politics and nutrition.

My Experience

Senior Software Developer at PROVISO – 2016 to present

In my current position as Senior Software Developer at PROVISIO, I am not only responsible for the maintenance of internal systems and SiteKiosk for Android, but also contributing to upcoming product releases using modern technologies like TypeScript, Node.js and React.

Junior Software Developer at PROVISO – 2010 to 2016

With my first full-time job offer as Junior Software Developer at PROVISIO I got the opportunity to develop the Android version of the company's flagship product SiteKiosk which was first released in 2012.

Bachelor's Degree in Business Informatics at Westphalian University – 2007 to 2010

I graduated in 2010 with a bachelor degree from the Westphalian University in Business Informatics. During the dual study programme I started working four days a week as a trainee at PROVISO. My main field of work was the full-stack web development of internal ernterprise resource systems and customer projects using technologies like C#, ASP.net, SQL, HTML, CSS and Javascript.